School Council

photo coming soon image, eps10


What does the school council do?

School council is the legally formed body that is given powers to set the key directions of a school. It is the major governing body of the school that, within DEECD guidelines, decides the future directions for the school and oversees the school’s operation.

How do you run your school council?

Our School Council is made up of staff and parents, with representation from both campuses.

Our School meets at least eight times a year and usually twice each school term. Our meetings are generally on the third Monday of each month. At Buninyong Primary School, the president chairs all meetings and all members of the council are expected to attend.

School council meetings must operate within a quorum. A quorum requires not less than one half of school council members currently holding office to be present at the meeting and the majority of members present must not be Department employees.

Decisions for Buninyong Primary School are made by voting and councillors must base their vote solely on the best interest of the students. If a vote is tied, the school council president has a second or casting vote.

Our school council calls a public meeting at least once each year and reports the proceedings of the council since the date of the previous public meeting. An annual report is also presented to the meeting and, if the school council accounts have been audited, a present a copy of the audited accounts will be shown.

Our school council meetings are normally be open to the school community, though we do ask visitors or observers to discuss their attendance with our principal prior to attending. There may be times when, for the purpose of confidentiality or other reasons, our council meeting needs will be closed.

For more information on our school council, please read our standing orders below:

Buninyong Primary School – School Council Standing Orders

Need to bring something up?

If you have something that you feel you need the school council needs to attend to, please contact our principal, Mr Bernie Conlan or talk to a school councillor (listed to the right):