To better educate our children, we need to understand them better. Understand what makes them tick.

It is important to us at Buninyong Primary School that the transition from Pre-school to School, transition between grades throughout Primary School and transition to Secondary School is smooth and well communicated. As a result we have developed the following processes:

Transition from Pre-School to Primary School:

We certainly do our best to give every child the opportunity to make a smooth transition into Primary School. This includes:

Transition Activities:

We come together with Buninyong Kindergarten to conduct transition activities in readiness for the following year. We also make an effort to keep Day Care Centers in the local area informed about transition visits to ensure that all students enrolling in Prep at Buninyong Primary School have the opportunity to visit our school before the Pre-Schooler Program commences. Kindergarten and Day Care staff will keep parents informed about these visits.

Pre-Schooler Program:

Our pre-schooler program will be a little different this year. In addition to our onsite program, our prep teachers will be visiting the 2021 prep students at their current pre-school. For our on site program, there will be a limit of 10 students per group as per DET guidelines. The dates for 2020 are:

Group 1


October 26th         &

November 9th


Group 2


October 28th         &

November 11th


Group 3


October 29th         &

November 12th


Group 4


October 30th         &

November 13th


Group 5


November 2nd       &

November 16th


Group 6


November 4th       &

November 18th


Group 7


November 5th       &

November 19th


Group 8


November 6th      &

November 20th


Parents are to select one group and each child will be able to access two 1.5 hr sessions.  –

*The program operates at both our Buninyong and Scotsburn campuses, Scotsburn dates will be confirmed in the coming weeks.

If you would like your child to participate, simply call the ladies in the general office and register your child.

Check out the video below to experience the day in the life of a prep student. 

Orientation Day:

To be confirmed as we are waiting on advice from the Department of Education.

Passing on student information:

The Pre-School teachers and Prep teachers liaise and share information regarding the students and discuss any individual needs of students. The Pre- School teachers also complete a transition statement for each student which contains information regarding developmental progress and interests or concerns that students may have.

The Primary School staff also liaises with the Pre-School teachers when grouping the children for their Prep classes, to ensure that students start the year with some familiar faces. Any parent queries regarding this should be directed to Bernie, Sue or one of the Prep teachers.

Transition to Grades at Buninyong.

Our aim is for every child to settle into their new grade as quickly as possible at the beginning of each year. To ensure this smooth process the teachers are released as a grade level and are able to plan together each week. We also have developed some detailed core documents, particularly in English and Maths. These documents set out very clearly what is to be taught at each year level.

Other processes we have in place are:

  • Speed Grading Night. This is where all the teachers get together to handover and discuss important information on the children they have taught for the year. A red folder is also handed over.
  • Red Folders. These contain a summary of the child’s achievements and medical or behavioural needs. They also contain any:-
    • Speech reports that have been made;
    • The latest ILP (Individual Learning Plan);
    • A profile of academic achievements;
    • 1 annotated writing sample;
    • PAT Maths;
    • OnDemand test results;
    • A spelling test showing the child’s spelling age; and
    • A copy of their end of year report.

It is also recorded if they have a disability and receive funding to assist with their learning.

  •  Lunch: The children have lunch with their new class and teacher in their new room. This happens in the last week of school from 12.00-1.00pm.
  • Anaphylaxis and Asthma: If a child has been diagnosed with anaphylaxis or severe asthma or any other severe medical condition the parents and new teacher along with the assistant principal will meet in the last week of term to hand over important information.
  • Student Mapping Tool: This is a computer program that enables us to keep a record from P-6 of each child’s:
    • Academic progress,
    • Attendance,
    • NAPLAN Results,
    • Literacy and Numeracy levels
    • Victorian Curriculum data,
    • Medical needs,
    • If they are on an ILP.
    • Referral for student services and why,
    • Reading recovery or corrective reading
    • Speech.
    • Funding for a disability

In some cases, some students require a bit more forward planning as to the teacher who is most appropriate. When this is the case the teacher and assistant principal liaise with the parents and begin the transition phase a little earlier with these students. An example of this is when a student has been diagnosed with autism and/or anxiety.

Transition to Secondary School.

Our Grade 6 students are supported and well prepared to head off to secondary school. Early in Term 2 there is a form called attending government schools which is sent home to all parents. This has to be returned regardless of where the child is going. Other school information includes:

  • Ballarat High School invites our Grade 6 teachers to an afternoon tea where we share information about our students.
  • Representatives from Mt Clear and Damascus visit our Grade 6 classes and encourage questions. Both schools hold information nights.
  • St Patrick’s College and Loreto College send us profile sheets to complete for those students attending their schools. These profiles require information about Literacy, Numeracy and Social Skills.
  • Mt Clear requests the results of a PAT-R Reading test. They also send out information booklets and applications to their SEAL and LEAP programs.
  • Information nights are widely publicised from all secondary schools.
  • Mt Clear holds a transition day where all Grade 6’s attend Mt Clear for the day. Other schools hold transition days for just those students who have enrolled in their school.
  • Special meetings are set for any children with special needs or are funded for a disability. Extra transition days are sometimes offered.